What is the best certification for Customer Service Management?
Customers are the makers and breakers of a business. Whatever happens to a business depends on the feedback given by the customers. It becomes very...
Read moreCustomers are the makers and breakers of a business. Whatever happens to a business depends on the feedback given by the customers. It becomes very...
Read moreSteve Jobs once said, “Get closer than ever to your customers. So close, in fact, that you tell them what they need well before they realize it the...
Read moreBruce Ernst have said, “Your website isn’t the center of your universe. Your Facebook page isn’t the center of your universe. Your mobile app isn’t...
Read moreJames Cash Penney who is the Founder J.C. Penney Stores once said that “Courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement.” It’s t...
Read moreCustomer expectations are set according to the company’s product, service and reputation. Fulfilling this expectation also effects a company’s repu...
Read moreService Business in an economy cover up the tertiary sector which is one of the largest growing sectors in the world currently. The value of knowle...
Read moreDavid Tooman once said, “Sales without customer service is like stuffing money into a pocket full of holes” and it’s true. The importance of custom...
Read moreWe all know how customer’s the king in every business and it’s a fact that we need to fulfil and even exceed customer’s expectation to bring succes...
Read moreClare Muscutt said, “Building a good customer experience does not happen by accident. It happens by design” and you need to know your customer’s ex...
Read morePerception is the ability notice or understand something. Similarly, customer perception refers to the customer’s opinion of your business or produ...
Read moreAs Sally Gronow said, “Good customer service costs less than bad customer service.” Even if you have great products, if your customer service is po...
Read moreIn every business customer service plays a crucial role and to ensure an effective customer service, customer service training is very important. C...
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